Aurochild International School CBSE

An International CBSE School with Integral Education

Aurochild International School CBSE

An International CBSE School with Integral Education

Aurochild International School CBSE

An International CBSE School with Integral Education

Aurochild International School CBSE

An International CBSE School with Integral Education

WELCOME TO AUROCHILD INTERNATIONAL senior secondary school - cbse

About Aurochild - CBSE

Sri Aurobindo and The Mother considered the formation of new system of Education as one of the best means for the children to become  a new divine consciousness and to live a divine life.

The Education of the human being should start much earlier before their birth and continue throughout their life. Education to be complete must have five principle aspects corresponding to five principle activities of the human being, the physical, the vital, the mental, the psychic and the spiritual.  All these five aspects should be taught continously, completely one another throught the life.



The Physical, the body, concerns itself with health education and physical training.

The Vital, the emotions, impulses and desires, energies of action deals with the thorough training of the five senses and the character development.

The Mental, the power of mind and intelligence concerns itself with the development of the faculties such as observation, reasoning, judgment, imagination and analysis.

The Psychic, the soul or the deeper spiritual element, relates to the education of moral code of conduct and Spiritual aspirations for Self Progress.

                                                                                      -THE MOTHER

-Sri Aurobindo.

The first principle of true teaching is that nothing can be taught. The teacher is not an instructor or a taskmaster, but he is a helper and a guide. His business is to suggest not to impose. He does not import knowledge to him, he shows him how to acquire knowledge for himself.

- Sri Karmayogi

By implementation, I mean fashioning the lessons at all levels to deliver the values we aim at. Each value can be best introduced at a certain level. Projects at that level will be considered. In the higher classes, these values are to be maintained and strengthened. I hope to consider at least a hundred projects, small and big, to be practised in the classroom, the school and outside in the society. When these projects reveal new educational content, they will be our gain.

- The Mother

The Aim Of  Education It is not for our family, it is not to secure a good position, it is not to earn money, it is not to obtain a diploma, that we study, we study to learn, to know, to understand the world, and for the sake of the joy that it gives us.  

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